Other Services
Look to the professionals at Rick Gruel Landscaping & Design LLC for residential or business maintenance, caretaking, winter maintenance, landscaping ideas and unique features
Rick Gruel Landscaping & Design, LLC also provides other services for homes and businesses...
Winter Driveway Maintenance for Residential or Business: Snow Removal, Plowing, Driveway Maintenance, and Salt Sanding
Cabin Property or 2nd Home Caretaking & Maintenance: seasonal cabin maintenance, driveway maintenance, checkups, etc.
We have designed unique landscape features for our customers upon their request.
We have produced raised flower garden beds and vegetable garden beds.
We have also created food plots for deer with a large selection of seeds to choose from.
At Rick Gruel Landscaping & Design LLC., we are open to projects and ideas that may not be listed on our website. Please call us 715-798-3633 for a FREE consultation and ideas or if you have any questions about a project that you think will fit your residence or business.
Rick Gruel Landscaping & Design - “A Yard Ahead of the Rest”